Indian Name: Keri ka Panna Properties of Raw Mango: Taste: Amla (Sour), and kashaya (Astringent).…
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Ayurveda Info
Ayurveda view on Rice
by Chakrapani Ayurveda onIn Ayurveda food is considered medicine. Foods are categorized according to their taste, their effect…
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Unveiling The Secrets For Pretty Feet
by Chakrapani Ayurveda on“Caring for feet at Chakrapani Ayurveda goes beyond the cosmetic purposes: it benefits the whole…
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by Chakrapani Ayurveda onChyawanprash – Ultimate Rasayana of Ayurveda Chyawanprash is named after Rishi Chyawan who had become…
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Benefits of rice mentioned in Ayurveda texts
by Chakrapani Ayurveda onAyurvedic Properties of Rice Rasa (Taste): Sweet Virya (Potency): Cooling Vipaka (Post digestive effective): Sweet…
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What a Child should eat ?
by Chakrapani Ayurveda onAs children are the building blocks of the society, incorporating Ayurveda principles in their lives…
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by Chakrapani Ayurveda onMASALA CHAI What can be more refreshing than a cup of tea after a long,…
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Important inputs on Ayurveda approach to Food and Nutrition
by Chakrapani Ayurveda onFood and Nutrition Diet high in whole grains and other fiber-rich foods that provide lasting…
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Social Life and Ayurveda
by Chakrapani Ayurveda onAyurveda is known for its unique methods of treatments, healthy lifestyle and positive diet regimens.…
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A Beginner’s Guide to Ayurveda
by Chakrapani Ayurveda onA Beginner’s Guide to Ayurveda What is Ayurveda? Ayurveda “the science of life” is the…
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