Ayurveda considers ama (toxins) which is produced due to improper digestive fire is the main cause of allergy. Allergy is a hypersensitive immune response to an unusual substance (allergens) present in the environment. Age, sex, race, genetic factor can influence allergic reaction. There are four major ways by which allergen can come into contact and produce allergy i.e., skin contact, injection, ingestion and inhalation. In Ayurveda, allergy is classified on the basis of doshas i.e. which dosha get triggered during the disease process. But it depends on the constitution of the patient. Vata prakriti persons are more likely to suffer from vatika type of allergy. Pitta prakriti persons are more prone to pithika type of allergy. Likewise kapha prakriti persons are more to suffer from kaphaja type of allergy. In some persons it is a hereditary, but one can also develop an allergy at any time in his or her life. Ayurveda considers ama (toxins) which is produced due to improper digestive fire is the main cause of allergy. As ama is the primary cause of allergy it is best to remove ama by using proper purification procedures while treating chronic allergies. Many people suffer from allergies during some specific seasons and the same is known as seasonal allergies. It is more common during spring season.

Accumulated kapha in late winter gets aggravated and produces spring allergy. Main reason is the pollens in the air and person starts sneezing, cough, watering of the nose and eyes on exposure to this. It is best to perform vamana (emesis) before spring season to prevent aggravation of kapha in the body. We can give Aswagantha, Bala, bee pollen in water for treating spring allergy. Hay fever is characterized with itchy, running, sneezing, or stuffy nose, itching eyes, scratchy throat and itching, or hives on the skin. In more complicated stage people suffer from breathing difficulties, asthma, aches, pain, gastrointestinal reactions. As per Ayurveda it is a pitta vitiated disorder. Hay fever subsides with the onset of cold season.

Allergic rhniitis is due to ama (toxins) there is aggravation of pitta which vitiates the rakta (blood). Seasonal allergies are also fairly common in the fall many people are sensitive to the molds produced by decaying leaves and other plants.

Seasonal Allergies Management

• Proper therapeutic purification (Vamana Virechana, Nasya, Basti) should be done in respective seasons.

• Close windows and doors during seasonal allergies.

• Reduce exposure to allergens by limiting your time outdoors.

• Wear a dust mask when you are outside or doing any chores outside.

• Wash your hands, take a shower, wash your hair and change your cloths after you have been working outside.

• Removing pets from the home and maintaining cleanliness can help you to reduce the incidence of seasonal allergies.

• Keep the bowel clean.

• Take blood cleansing herbs or bitter alternatives like Sariva, Manjishta, Katuka for one month.

• Taking a bath with boiled Neem water will help you to prevent allergies and infections.

• Take Ayurvedic medicines like Pratirodha kalpa and Haridrakhanda to boost your immunity.

• Do pranayama (breathing exercises) to give strength to the respiratory tract.

• Take a glass of water with 1 tsp old honey and a pinch of turmeric every morning.

• Take a glass of water with honey and few drops of lemon juice.

• Nasya – it is useful for controlling and preventing seasonal allergies. Put 2 drops of anu taila in each nostril at bed time.

• Inhale medicated vapour made with eucalyptus oil, camphor, Tulsi etc.