Pomegranate – An Ayurvedic view

Pomegranate (Dadima) – An Ayurvedic view

Pomegranate is also known as “Dadima” in Ayurveda. It has been commonaly used as edible fruit as well as for medicinal purpose. Ayurvedic texts describes its medicinal properties and uses for health benefits. It found throughout india and can be grown in dry areas also. In north region, the fruit is available in season september to february and in the south region from march to may.

English name- Pomegranate

Hindi name- Anar

Botanical name- Punica granatum Linn.

Family- Punicaceae


Rasa (Taste)- Sweet, Astringent, Sour

Guna (Qualities)- Light, Unctuous

Vipaka- Undergoes Sweet, Sour taste after digestion

Veerya (Potency)-Hot

Chemical constitution- pomegranate is good source of vitamin A, C, B5, flavanoids, triterpanic acid, anthocyanosides and minerals such as potassium,sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus

Fruit peels- tannin, punicalin, punicalagin, Seed- estrone, punicic acid

Stem- tannin, ursolic acid, pentose glycocides


• Deepana- Stimulates the digestive fire.

• Tridoshahara- it normalizes vata, pitta and kapha all the three doshas. Kapha- vata shaman by its hot potency and pitta shamana by sweet and astringent tastes. Diseases are due to imbalance in dosha as it balances all the dosha so beneficial in disorders induced by all the three doshas as well as for being healthy.

• Hridya- good for heart.

• Shukrala- it is a good natural aphrodisiac.

• Grahi- Due to its astringent property

Therapeutic Uses-

External uses-

1. Due to its astringent nature the decoction of the bark is used in throat, oral disorders and in ulcers as a gargle

2. In epistaxis nasal drops of its fruit juice are very effective.

3. Syphilish- Powder of dadima bark may be dusted over the scrotum.

Internal uses-

1. For glowing skin – Regular intake of dadima fruit nourishes skin and prevents aging sign like wrinkle, pimple etc. as it contains antioxidents and vitamin A, C, E. Its bark having wound healing property that’s why water boiled with peel of fruit can be used in acne and pimple for face washing .

2. As brain tonic- Dadima fruits are beneficial in mental debility and other nervine disorders.

3. For healthy digestive system- The fruit is an appetite stimulant, increase desire for food. Fruits are helpful in indigestion, anorexia, nausea, bloating and acidity. In anorexia dadima swarasa(juice) along with saindhava lavana is helpful . Its bark decoction is useful in Diarrohea and IBS. The juice of the fruit and decoction of the root bark are strong vermifuges. In worm infestation 10-20 ml of the root bark decoction is given followed by a laxative next day.

4. Increases sperm count- As dadima fruit having sukrala action means increases shukra dhatu or semen. Researches proved that it increases sperm count, motility and amount of semen also. Its fruit also helpful in erectile dysfunction by clearing obstruction in channels.

5. For circulatory system- The fruit is cardiotonic and haemostatic. It is useful in bleeding disorders like apistaxis, bleeding piles and anaemia. In nose bleeding fruit decoction should use as nasya. In bleeding piles dadima bark powder given internally with takra.

6. On Respiratory system- The fruits act as expectorant. In infantile kapha disorders fruit is ground in goat’s milk and is given as a licking agent. For chronic rhinitis nasal insufflations of ghee processed with pomegranate flower, saffron and sugar is an effective remedy.

7. On urinary system- Dadima is diuretic hence useful in urinary disorders.

8. Cancer- The anticancer properties of pomegranate seeds prevents cancer cell proliferation and also induced cell death.

9. General weakness- Pomegranates are loaded with nutrients required for optimal health. Being antioxidant rich, pomegranates improves heart health by lowering high cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

10. Immunity- The presence of excess antioxidants in pomegranate seeds strengthens the immune system.

Important formulations- Dadimashtaka powder, Dadimadi powder, Dadimavaleha, Dadimadi oil, Bhaskaralavana powder Dosage- Fruit juice- 20-50 ml, Decoction- 40-80 ml, Bark powder- 3-5 gm

Research study- A large number of researches revealed that pomegranate shows Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, Hepato-protective, Anti-diabetic Activity, Anti-microbial, Anti diarrheal effect, Anti obesity effect, Anti-tumor activity, improvement of erectile dysfunction, neuroprotection, nephrotoxicity protection etc.

Side effects- Several studies based on animal model and clinical trials confirmed that the consumption of pomegranate is safe and not causes any side effects. Although pomegranate is extremely safe fruit but sour variety is sometimes not suit for person having pitta constitution.