SWARNAPRASHANA – A nectar for kids

Oral administration of herbal processed nano-particles of gold to children is called as Swarnaprashana. It is a unique practice explained in Ayurveda by Acharya Kashyapa. It has been conventionally followed as a cultural practice in India since centuries.

In the procedure, a baby is made to consume a mixture made of purified gold and herbs in a semi-solid (paste) or liquid form. Different herbal formulations with gold are explained by ancient gurus in their literatures for the purpose of Swarnaprashana. It can be given to children of all ages, including infants in order to acquire various benefits, as this is the phase of growth and development.

Ayurveda explicates that Swarnaprashana has a good and positive effect on the overall health of kids who consume it. Many types of research and studies conducted in modern ways substantiate what Ayurveda described in the literatures. Swarnaprashana promotes immunity and physical strength (Balavardhana), increases longevity (Ayushyam), ignites digestive system and metabolism (Agnivardhana), enhances complexion and skin health (Varnya), auspicious (Mangalam), augment fertility (Vrishya), protection against microbes or infectious agents (Grahapaham), boosts intelligence (Medha).

In Chakrapani Ayurveda, we prepare Swarnaprashana with pure ghee, organic honey, purified gold, and a special herb Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri). The dosage of the formulation can be fixed as per the age of the child.

For More details on this Please call on 0141-2624003 or send an email at chakrapanihelp@gmail.com

Research works on Swarnaprashana